10:30 a.m. Appointment - Economic Update
James Hobson, CIBC Wood Gundy
Charet Chahal, CIBC Wood Gundy
Proposed Motion
That the Economic Update presentation by CIBC Wood Gundy be received for information, as presented.
Administration Recommendation
Administration supports that Council receive the Economic Update from CIBC Wood Gundy for information.
Administration provides opportunity to members of Council to be informed of and discuss the economic update that may affect municipal business and financial outcomes.
CIBC Wood Gundy attends Parkland County's meetings before members of Council on a regular basis. Administration extended an invitation to members of CIBC Wood Gundy to continue to inform members of Council on the economic status that may affect Parkland County.
Strategic Plan/Policy/Legal/Staff Implications:
Responsible Leadership: maintain the public's trust through transparent and fair decision-making, superior service delivery, and effective engagement.
Financial Impact:
Cost: n/a
Source of Funding: n/a