9:30 a.m. Appointment - Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board (EMRB) Update
Mayor Jeff Acker, Board Vice Chair
Karen Wichuk, CEO
Proposed Motion
That the EMRB update presentation be received for information, as presented.
Administration Recommendation
Administration supports the proposed motion.
To provide an update on the regional collaboration activities of the EMRB.
The EMRB is a non-profit corporation, and one of two provincially mandated regional growth management boards in Alberta. The EMRB is committed to responsible and sustainable growth of the Region. It brings together the decision-makers from 13 rural and urban municipalities, that share a contiguous border and that range in population from 6,500 to 1M.
Parkland County is a participating member of the EMRB, along with our Tri-Municipal Regional partners, the City of Spruce Grove, and the Town of Stony Plain. Mayor Gamble is the current Chair, and first rural Chair of the EMRB.
Strategic Plan/Policy/Legal/Staff Implications:
Pillar D - Responsible Leadership: We maintain the public’s trust through transparent and fair decision-making, superior service delivery, and effective engagement.
Municipal Government Act, Chapter M-26, Division 1 - Establishment and Operation of Growth Management Boards, Section 708.02
Financial Impact:
Cost: n/a
Source of Funding: n/a