Range Road 70 After Action Review Report
Proposed Motion
That the Range Road 70 After Action Review Report be received for information, as presented.
Administration Recommendation
Administration supports the proposed motion.
To present the Range Road 70 After Action Review.
Fire Services and the team from Transitional Solutions Inc. have completed the After-Action Review of the Range Road 70 fire events. The review contains several areas of attention and recommendations for continuous improvement. The report covers primarily the fire response, emergency management and communications as focus areas.
Several recommendations outlined in the report are being reviewed and implemented by Fire Services Administration in anticipation of the wildfire season conditions. Additionally, enhancements to our Emergency Plan are ongoing and will form part of our ongoing improvements for the response to major emergency events.
Historical Information:
Strategic Plan/Policy/Legal/Staff Implications:
Supports Complete Communities pillar
Financial Impact:
Cost: NA
Source of Funding: NA