2025 Corporate Plan
Proposed Motion
That the 2025 Corporate Plan be received for information, as presented.
Administration Recommendation
Administration supports the proposed motion.
The Corporate Plan is being provided to Council to demonstrate how Administration will advance the goals and priorities described in the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.
Through the corporate planning process, Administration connects specific actions and projects to the pillars, goals and strategic priorities as reflected in the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan. Guided by the priorities defined in the 2025 Corporate Plan, Administration will work towards achieving the County's strategic priorities and goals while continuing to deliver core services to the community. The Corporate Plan has been developed with input from the Executive Committee and Directors.
Administration is undertaking a project in 2024-2025 to refresh and enhance the County's performance measurement and project reporting processes. As such, key performance indicators have not been included in the Corporate Plan. However, progress of the Corporate Plan will be reported to Council on a regular basis throughout 2025.
Strategic Plan/Policy/Legal/Staff Implications:
The 2025 Corporate Plan includes the key actions and projects Parkland County is undertaking to achieve the goals and priorities as detailed in the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.
Financial Impact:
Cost: 0
Source of Funding: n/a